By A.Caxton
When it comes to landscaping your garden, stones do often make a great addition and they come in a variety of different sizes and colors to suit every gardeners needs. You can make pretty features, use them as stepping stones and you can even build small little walls for the garden too. Whatever you decide to use them for, there is certainly no getting away from the fact that stones can be great for landscaping.
Knowing Which Stones to Purchase
As there is such a wide variety of stones to choose from, you should find that there is something to suit both you and your gardens needs. The various colors available allow you to create a unique look which will help to make it that little bit more scenic.
In order to decide which colors to use you will first need to create a plan which will help you to see what colors go best with what features. Perhaps you just want to stick to natural looking stones and if so that is fine. Natural stones create a natural look which can make the garden seem like an even more peaceful place to be.
One of the best ways to use stones within the garden is by placing them around flowers. Instead of using flower pots, stones create a more modern and serene look. Or, you could use them to build small walls. Obviously the types of stones that you will need will depend entirely upon the feature you are making with them. Stepping stones for example need to be flat so you will have to look around for flat stones rather than pointy ones.
Where to Find the Right Stones for You
Many times you can find the right stones for you actually within your garden or within your local area. They are free and they can be used to make natural features. If you cannot find any stones near you however then you can purchase them from local garden stores or even on the Internet. The Internet will have quite a large range to choose from and you won’t have to carry them home either! However, this does usually mean that delivery will be higher as stones can be quite heavy.
Overall the best types of stones to use within the garden seem to be flagstone or river rock. If you are going to be using them to keep weeds away from flowers then river rock is an ideal choice. However, if you need the stones for large areas of the garden, flagstone may be better for you.
About the Author: Andrew Caxton is the author of many resources on lawn care related topics. For additional information on gardening stones or landscaping subjects have a look at his web.
Source: isnare.com
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