Category: Clothing


The Difference Between Screen Printing And Screen Printed Transfers

The Difference Between Screen Printing And Screen Printed Transfers


If you’re considering getting into the t-shirt business, you should become familiar with the different methods available for transferring text, logos, and images to a garment such as a t-shirt.

The two major methods used to transfer an image to a garment are heat transfers, and screen printed transfers.

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Heat Transfers

The process of heat transfer is much simpler than a screen printed transfer, but the image is not as permanent.

The artwork is printed on a special heat transfer paper. There are different qualities of paper depending on whether it’s intended for personal or professional use. Some consumer level printers are also available which can make higher quality heat transfers.

Once the image is printed on the transfer paper, the paper is pressed onto the garment and then heated for a short time. This melts a material in the paper called plastisol which seeps into the shirt. The back of the paper is then peeled from the shirt while the plastisol and the image remain on the garment.

Screen Printed Transfers

At a professional level, screen printed transfers are the most common. As far as print quality goes, this method of transferring an image to a garment is generally better. A screen print will usually last longer, and maintain higher levels of color saturation than a heat transfer.

A screen transfer is more difficult to do, however, and will require the use of more professional equipment to get a high-quality and long lasting image.

A screen print requires that you use a few different tools. First of all, you’ll need a screen. The screen is a wooden or steel frame with a special mesh material. It is pressed against the garment to transfer the ink. These screens must be cleaned after they are used, and they are quite large. If you plan on screen printing professionally, you should have a designated booth and garden hose with which to clean the screen, as well as an area to dry it.

The artwork is printed on special sheets that activate when exposed to UV light. These sheets are printed directly onto the screen mentioned earlier. This is similar to how photographs in non-digital cameras are exposed. Of course, you will either need self-contained exposure equipment for this, a darkroom or sunlight.

The screen that was mentioned earlier has a special chemical coating on it. This coating is then sprayed with a pressure hose. The chemical will eventually come off of the non-transparent portions of the image.

The screen is then pressed against the garment, and ink is applied to the sheet. The ink is then scrubbed across the screen. The ink will seep into the parts of the screen where the chemical was removed, which ultimately transfers the image to the shirt.

If multiple colors are used in the image or logo, this process will have to be repeated for the various colors.

The Process Of Mold Remediation In Encinitas, Ca

The Process Of Mold Remediation In Encinitas, Ca

October, 2014 byAlma Abell

Typically, mold in a home results from a source of moisture, and it’s very common in bathrooms, kitchens and laundry areas. Usually, with the use of general household cleaners and airing the room, mold can be effectively dealt with. Unfortunately, there can be issues within the home where mold is more difficult to spot and deal with. In these situations, Mold Remediation in Encinitas CA, is going to be your best option.


The problem is that mold can create some very serious conditions. Mold can release spores into the air. Depending on the type of mold that is present in your home, it can cause a wide variety of medical situations. Certain molds can affect people who have respiratory issues. They can affect infants and children as well as the elderly. Unfortunately, certain types of mold, especially toxic molds, can have a negative affect even on people who are extremely healthy. In some situations, prolonged exposure to toxic mold can even prove to be fatal.

Given the seriousness of uncontrolled mold growth inside a home, professional Mold Remediation in Encinitas CA, may be the only thing that can prevent the significant negative impacts of long-term health. However, the first step in professional mold remediation is to determine the type of mold that is present within your home. Once mold growth has been detected, a company like EcoPure Restoration will send out a technician to take samples of the mold. The samples are then taken to a lab for diagnostic purposes. Typically, within a day or two, you will get the results as to what type of mold you have inside of your home.

From there, the mold areas are cleaned and air purifiers are set up around the home in order to effectively scrub the air and remove harmful mold spores that are commonly released into the air. From there, the home can once again be occupied. Any repairs to replace building materials damaged by the mold can also take place.

With the detrimental effects mold can have on anybody living in a home, Mold Remediation in Encinitas CA, is something to consider. Mold growth of this nature typically doesn’t go away on its own. It will need to be dealt with in order for your home to be safe to live in.

Getting A Good Emergency Dentist In Middletown

Getting A Good Emergency Dentist In Middletown

byAlma Abell

When you are having those excruciating toothaches coming from swollen gums, tooth decay, infected gums or abscessed teeth, then you know that you need very urgent dental attention. Whether the problem is a chipped tooth, extraction or root canal, lost dental crowns, or loose fillings look for the same day service without having to book an appointment. For an Emergency Dentist in Middletown, you will need a service provider who will accept your type of insurance, and provide easy financing options.


Although you can access a walk in practitioner at Middletown, you must know what exactly it is you want. This could be an oral surgery, whitening, simple cleaning, teeth extraction or braces fitted. Identify any special requests like being seen by a female doctor or a Spanish doctor only. Dentists encompass lots of specializations and offer specific services.

While you may have several referrals, it is not certain that the Emergency Dentist in Middletownt with the highest reviews will offer you the best emergency service that fits you at a reasonable cost. Most dentists work on weekends and if you need one who can perform a complicated surgery, you may have to book an appointment. In Middletown you may have to call a trusted practitioner in town to get a dentist who will serve you anytime professionally.

An Emergency Dentist in Middletown specializing on Dental Implants should be able to give the best options to people with missing teeth. Implants are durable and versatile to give you that natural look forever. With dental Implants, you can have a single tooth or multiple of them replaced. Dental Implants are used to avoid mouth shifting and face looking older. It is usually a new tooth fixed in your gum made from porcelain or metal that looks just like a natural tooth. Implants can also anchor dentures, mostly lower ones that shift when you chew or talk and they also give a more natural smile.

When it comes to Emergency Dentist in Middletown, Hazlet Family Dental has proven to be a force to reckon with since they have one day services that will leave you perfectly satisfied. Get the best attention for your dental problems and you will be amazed by the results.

It will also protect you from feeling pain. For more information on this and other dental treatments, visit

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