Category: Medicine


Caring For Your Body After A Vasectomy

Caring For Your Body After A Vasectomy

Caring for Your Body after a Vasectomy


John Dugan

Every day, men across the United States agree to undergo vasectomies. In this 20-minute surgery, the tubes that carry semen out of the body are severed, and men are typically allowed to go home just minutes after the cutting is complete. While most of the healing takes place in the testicles, performing adequate penis care can help men to heal up quickly and avoid medical complications.

Surgical Site Care

There are multiple techniques experts can use to perform a vasectomy, but most involve making at least one small incision in the scrotum. Sometimes, these incisions are held together with glue, while other surgeons use traditional nylon stitches or no stitches at all. A small amount of bleeding is considered normal, and men might be encouraged to check their bandages or underwear for spots of blood. Any major bleeding, on the other hand, could be a sign of a problem that men should bring to the attention of their doctors.

Providing adequate support to the area can keep bleeding from spreading beneath the skin. Wearing an athletic supporter might be enough for some men, although surgeons sometimes provide specialized undergarments for men to wear as they heal. This might not be a fashion-forward look, but it can speed healing and keep the penis and scrotum from turning black with blood.

Allowing the Healing


A vasectomy only takes a few moments to complete, but it’s still a surgery, and men who have the procedure done will need to rest up and allow the area to heal. These sorts of activities are typically forbidden until a few days have passed:

Heavy lifting





Ice packs placed in the lap can keep pain signals at bay, but standing up too quickly or jumping back into activities can cause swelling and pain to recur. This is one time in which lying on the couch, day in and day out, might be encouraged.

Staying Safe

Vasectomies aren t quick fixes for fertility problems, as sperm produced in the days prior is still available to the body and ready to be released at a moment’s notice. Men who return home from their vasectomies and have unprotected sex with their partners in the days following surgery could be thrust into fatherhood. Sex can also be painful in the early days, and the incisions could open back up during vigorous sex.

When several days have passed, most men are allowed to tentatively resume their sex lives, and they provide semen samples to their doctors a few weeks later to ensure that the surgery was successful and that no viable sperm remain in the body. Some men require months of healing in order for the tests to come back negative.

Adjusting to the Consequences

Most men are at least a little vain about their looks below the belt, and some men do develop a significant amount of bruising after a vasectomy. Small clots can develop at the surgery site, causing deep bruises and swelling, and those can sometimes be treated with medications or other conservative measures. Some men also develop bruising along the shaft of the penis, and while the bruises aren’t painful, they can be unsightly or even a little bit frightening to behold.

If the doctor says the bruising is normal and not cause for concern, men can help the penis skin to heal by applying a penis health cr me (most experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A cr me contains vitamins and emollients that can help skin to regain its soft and supple appearance, allowing the man to develop responsive skin that’s ready for action when the surgery site has completely healed.

For additional information on most common

penis health issues

, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:

. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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Caring for Your Body after a Vasectomy

Yes, A Hand Sprain Can Be Healed In 1 To 4 Days}

Yes, A Hand Sprain Can Be Healed In 1 To 4 Days}

Yes, a hand sprain can be healed in 1 to 4 days


David Freeman

Yes, a hand sprain can be healed in 1 to 4 days

Treatment and Testimonial by James Guetzkow, MD

If you have a hand sprain and want to heal quickly, here you can discover a Natural Remedy that can speed up the healing by ten times.It has been shown that muscle strains and ligament sprains can be healed in 1 to 4 days with the help of 1 to 2 FASTT Patches.

I have found that Wei Laboratories has very unique natural products. Their FASTT Patch can accelerate healing of acute and chronic injuries by increasing blood flow and lymphatic circulation. For severe 2nd degree ankle sprains and muscle tear or AC joint separations, the recovery time can be as short as 5 days with the FASTT Patch versus 4 weeks normally. For sprains or strains that do not heal even after 3 months, or for repeat injuries, it is possible to completely heal those chronic injuries with 3-6 FASTT Patches.If you have further questions, I recommend you call Wei Laboratories at 1-888-919-1188, e-mail: or further information.


Accelerated Healing of Sprains and Strains Using the FASTT Patch

Sprain refers to injuries of ligaments that hold the bones together at the joint. Strain refers to injuries of a muscle or tendon.Tendon connects muscles and bones.Strains and sprains are the most common injuries occurring to athletes and anyone everyday.Sprains most likely happen at the ankles, wrists, and knees including Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)/Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL).Strains occur most often in the muscles and tendons of the legs and back.Hamstring pulls, groin pulls, and sore back muscles are common forms of strain.

1) A first-degree sprain or muscle strain is the least severe damage with stretching of ligaments or muscle fibers. Pain and swelling are minimal.Range of motion usually is not affected to any important degree.First-degree muscle strains, ankle sprains and other sprains in acute conditions can be healed in less than 2 days or even overnight with treatment of a single FASTT Patch applied to the injured area.

2) In a second-degree sprain or muscle strain, the muscle and ligament have been torn and partially ruptured. There is more pain and edema, bruising, and range of motion is reduced significantly.It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to have any improvement in the pain and swelling.However, with treatment of 2 FASTT Patches, second-degree muscle tears, ankle sprains, ACL/MCL tears, AC joint separations that are in acute conditions can be healed in 5 days.

3) In third-degree injury, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments tissues have been ruptured completely and surgery may be necessary to repair damaged tissue.

4) Tendon strain, such as groin pull, is hard to heal and usually developed into chronic conditions.First degree tendon strain that is in acute condition can be healed in 8 days with 3 FASTT Patch treatments. Second degree tendon tear can be healed in 17 days with 6 FASTT Patch treatments.Tendon strain that is in chronic condition can be healed in 8-17 days with 3-6 FASTT Patch treatments.

5) Joint cartilage in the joint can be damaged due to a sprain and it can be healed in 8-17 days with 3-6 WHITEE Patch treatments.


FASTT Patch Healed a 2nd Degree Ankle Sprain in 4 Days

James Guetzkow, MD FP, Los Gatos, California, February 2004

This is a narrative of the case of a vigorous, healthy, young triathlon athlete, who was running as per his usual custom on December 12, 2001, when he suffered a lateral inversion sprain of the right lateral ankle. He was seen at the ambulatory care center of Kaiser Hospital on Kiely Blvd, Santa Clara, the following day, where an x-ray was taken and a second degree sprain documented. The x-rays were negative for fracture. He was given a walking boot brace and told to wear it for six weeks.

He was seen in my office on December 17, as he had learned of the FASTT Patch, and hoped this would help him to an early cure. On examination of the right lateral ankle it was ecchymotic and swollen both above and below the right lateral malleolus. The FASTT Patch was applied. The patient was given extra patches to continue application of new patches on alternate days.

He returned to the office on December 21, 2001, and reported that he had been able to resume his exercise and, in fact, earlier today had bicycled for 45 minutes without any pain. He has noticed that the swelling has gone away and the pain has virtually cleared. He is no longer using a boot brace. He reports there is some residual swelling in the supralateral malleolar area; however, this is not where the medicine patch had been applied. On examination the area of application no longer has any swelling, and there was no laxity of effusion of the ankle joint noticed. There is a slight residual ecchymosis covering most of the lateral foot. The bony prominences were nontender. He is walking without a limp. He states that he has been active throughout the week in his usual way, with his usual work, and has not spent time with the foot elevated.

My impression was that this was a severe sprain with soft-tissue injury, partial tear of the lateral collateral ligaments, and a joint effusion. I was extremely impressed by the rapidity of clearing and return of function that occurred in just four days under the FASTT Patch treatment.

I am a health and wellness advocator and found Wei Laboratories has very unique natural products. If you have further questions, I recommend you call 1-888-919-1188, e-mail: Click

for further information

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