Category: Nutrition


Fieldadvice  Ecofriendly Packaging Products}

Fieldadvice Ecofriendly Packaging Products}

Fieldadvice- Ecofriendly Packaging Products


FieldadviceField Advice distributes disposable service and packaging that is environmentally friendly and biodegradable. It is for example cutlery, cups, plastic salad bowls made of corn starch, plates made of palm leaves, wood, bamboo and sugarcane plant fibers. Our products are made in a unique design and high quality. We sell a range of environmentally friendly products in our standard range, but also customize packaging according to customer wishes and needs.Our focus is on environmentally friendly packaging types, but in order to deliver the widest possible range we also have some conventional packaging types. Through our network of suppliers, we can deliver the products that are desired at very competitive prices. Field Advice works with First Pack in France and Premier Products in Norway, which is globally comprehensive with more than 6000 unique item numbers. Field Advice’s mission is to provide our customers with a full range of environmentally friendly packaging that meets all requirements for quality, aesthetics and price.Field Advice ApS is Denmark’s largest supplier of environmentally friendly and biodegradable one-time service and packaging that biodegrades and forms part of nature’s circuits. By using environmentally friendly and biodegradable packaging, you show the outside world that you also think about the environment and want to preserve the land we all live from. Palm leaf productsOur palm leaf products are made from fallen leaves from palm trees – no trees are precipitated. The leaves that dry and fall off during their natural cycle are collected, cleaned and shaped to bowl plates and dishes.It is a 100% natural product that is also 100% biodegradable.Each product is unique as it has its very own structure.They are light and solid and are resistant to water.Palm leaf products are available as plates, dishes, and dishes.Bamboo productsBamboo is a fantastic plant in so many areas but primarily viewed from a sustainable view. It grows easily, quickly, consumes very little water and consumes a lot of carbon dioxide during growth.In addition, the production of bamboo helps keep the water from the rainforest and thus counteracts flood and mudslides.Our bamboo products are not made of the kind of bamboo that the Panda lives on.Bamboo is a durable, beautiful and sustainable product.Bamboo products are available as cutlery, small plates, spears and other things for events.PLA and PSMA new generation of disposable products, resulting from innovation and environmental awareness.It looks like plastic, it feels like plastic, but it’s not plastic and it’s 100% recyclable and compostable.PLA is short for PolyacticAcid. It is produced by processing corn starch, which is then converted into sugar and then added lactic acid bacteria, which are then transformed into the PLA or microorganisms.The PLA can withstand temperatures down to minus 18 degrees and not more than 40 degrees, and therefore, the PLA has the perfect choice for the cold meal or drink.PSM is the same as PLA, however, made out of potatoes.PLA is available as cutlery, glasses, containers and PSM available as a cutlery for hot dishes.sugarcane fiberOur fiber products made from sugar cane fibers. These materials are annually renewed and 100% recyclable and compostable.Of a production of 10 tonnes of sugar cane, there is a residual product of 3 tonnes of bagasse, which are the strong sugar cane fibers remaining after the production of sugar. This can be used for multiple purposes, but is an outstanding product for disposable packaging.The fibers are mixed, chopped and then shaped into different shapes. This provides a strong and durable product that is ideal for both cold and hot food. They can withstand both the freezer and the microwave while they are both water and oil resistant.Fiber products are available as plates, bowls, trays and food boxesFOR MORE DETAILS VISIT US AT

Field Advice is Scandinavia’s leading supplier of environmentally friendly food packaging. Our product range includes more than 500 products, some of which are biodegradable and compostable.

Naturally, we also negotiate conventional types of packaging, so no matter what packaging you are looking for, we can find a solution.We believe that good raw materials deserve a proper packaging that is a delight to the eye as well as to the environment. Call us and talk to one of our competent employees about your specific wishes and requirements for packaging.

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Flaxseed A Modern Miracle}

Flaxseed A Modern Miracle}

Submitted by: Carol Gomes

A Fabulous Laxative and an Absolute Xylem (FLAX) derived from flax plant is an annual plant seen to grow well in a sandy and clayey soil. It is commonly referred to as


. The botanical name is

Linum usitatissimum

. The seeds are oval-shaped and should be refrigerated. Flaxseed oil derived from flaxseed is unsaturated and heart-friendly.

Flaxseeds – A Treasure House of Nutrients

Flaxseeds are a good source of nutrients such as protein and essential aminoacids, fat and essential fatty acids ,minerals especially phosphorus and most importantly dietary fiber.

The Mastermind Behind?

Flaxseeds attribute their goodness to two important constituents:

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) an Essential omega-3 Fatty Acid (EFA)

Lignan a Phytoestrogen (Antioxidant)

Benefits of Flaxseed

It is a vital source of omega-3 fatty acid for vegetarians along with soyabeans.

As it is gluten-free, it is considered safe for people with gluten allergy.

Hot flushes, a characteristic symptom of menopause is seen to reduce by flaxseed consumption.

It improves the good cholesterol (HDL), decreases triglycerides, platelet activity and blood pressure, thereby benefiting cardiovascular health.

Morning stiffness, a characteristic symptom of arthritis is seen to decrease, thereby increasing mobility.

It reduces the incidence of asthma.

The lignans in flax possess antioxidant properties which results in the prevention of atherosclerotic plaques formation.

It also reduces the risk of Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes as it reduces the insulin requirements.

Flaxseed consumption helps in forming prostaglandins (hormone-like compound) which increases the permeability of cell membrane thereby improving the immune function of the body.

It aids in reducing the incidence of renal diseases.

The essential fatty acid in flaxseed plays a vital role in decreasing skin diseases like psoriasis.

Flaxseeds fight against carcinogens and reduces the cell-damaging free radicals, thereby preventing cancer.

Its high insoluble fiber(28%) and mucilage content adds bulk to the stools and thus attributes to its laxative property, thereby preventing the incidence of constipation and diverticulitis.

The reduction in omega-3 levels in the diet pose a high risk for the occurrence of depression.

A Flaxy Diet

Two tablespoons of flaxseed provides the omega-3 fatty acid for a 2000 Kcal diet. If you want to check out the above said, try to incorporate them in your diet. The pleasant nutty flavor aids in its easy usage.

The powdered seed can be used as a salad dressing with mayonnaise and vinegar.

Flaxseed oil can be used for cooking.

The flour can be used with bread dough or for making pancakes, waffles, muffins and cutlets.

The powdered seed can be sprinkled on steamed rice with a teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter).

About the Author: Kevin Pederson, content provider for

Home Remedies

regularly features articles on home remedies, Yoga and other health websites. Home remedies is your friendly online guide to healing common ailments using natural foods and herbs.


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