Category: Yoga


The Roles Of A Certified Instructor}

The Roles Of A Certified Instructor}

The Roles of a Certified Instructor


Madhur RajpalIf you are looking for an opportunity to manage your stress you can consider hatha yoga. However, many of the people benefit a great deal from other styles of yoga- it is all about their personal preferences. The main components of most yoga classes are the poses and breathing.

The yoga poses, also called postures offer a series of movements that are designed to increase flexibility and strength. Controlled breathing is also an important aspect of yoga. Breath in yoga signifies an individual’s vital energy. If you are looking for the best result consider enrolling with a certified yoga teacher training. The roles of a certified instructor include:

Work the room

Great instructors have the ability of working the room. Furthermore, they possess the necessary skills required to feel the room and thus making every individual they come into contact with to feel special. They effortlessly feel the environment around them.

Whether it is a subtle touch or calling out a name, they have the ability to connect with their student, creating a personal touch. As they work the room, they have the ability to make anyone to feel better. They have a sixth-sense while communicating with other people, including strangers to achieve desirable results.

Personalize the training

A certified yogi instructor has a trademark- a signature closing, a signature sequence or a signature use of phrases. Whatever it is, it should be authentic and unique; the instructor needs to own it.

The instructor should have more than a posture and idea. It is pretty amazing when the trainer takes a posture or idea that seems complex and breaks it down to make it accessible. They do this in a way that is unique and authentic to the learners.

Generating a warm atmosphere

It can prove challenging training in a new class, even for a seasoned yogi. However, a great instructor will be able to spot first-timers and go out of their way to make the learners feel comfortable. Learners are assured of receiving smiles regularly to urge them to keep persisting. Therefore, at the yoga retreat you are assured of receiving the right attitude that is critical in achieving the right postures and breathing.

Offer a detailed approach to training

Regular practice of yoga have the capacity of getting you to greater heights. A great instructor will play an important role in getting the learners to heights they had not imagined they would get to.

You will learn to perform most of the postures while embracing the worldviews of the power that derived from breathing. They transform you into an efficient practitioner and enabling you to get to another level of practice.

Several studies have revealed practicing yoga helps to cut anxiety and stress. Furthermore, it has the ability of enhancing the practitioner’s mood and sense of well-being. The breathing techniques help to calm the mind.

Yoga is recommended because it brings awareness as well as the ability to stay calm. Stress in an individual’s life can be reduced significantly. Through meditation, the practitioner develops an inner peace. It can be relied upon as a self- healing tool that helps to get the practitioner into perfect shape. Therefore, anyone regardless of their age, religion and health circumstances can practice yoga.

Readers can also go to our website and find beneficial information about

yoga alliance teacher training


yoga retreat Himalayas


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Have You Created A Life Of Vitality? Take My Quiz To Find Out. Blog Category: Eating Well, Healthy Eating}

Have You Created A Life Of Vitality? Take My Quiz To Find Out. Blog Category: Eating Well, Healthy Eating}

Submitted by: Lynda Enright

What does vitality mean to you?

The Websters definition of vitality is: a) capacity to live and develop, b) physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed, c) power of enduring.

To me, vitality means living a life where you are:


feeling good every day healthy and strong

participating fully in your life

engaged with family, friends and colleagues

not solely in the absence of poor health but in a state of great health

We know from research of populations around the world who live long and thrive that there are many factors to creating a life of vitality. Food is certainly one component, but in addition a sense of purpose, community, physical activity and spirituality are important components as well.

Are you living a life of vitality? Take my quiz to find out.

1. Do you choose foods that are fresh as often as possible?

2. Do you choose foods that are grown locally when available?

3. Do you choose foods that are in season where you live?

4. Do you prepare foods using plant oils such as coconut, olive, avocado, walnut or grapeseed?

5. Do you sweeten your foods with fruit juices or butters, pure maple syrup or honey?

6. Do you get salt from fish, sea vegetables or sea salt?

7. Do you purchase free range meats?

8. Do you eat naturally fermented and cultured foods?

9. Do you cook with a variety of herbs and spices?

10. Do you spend time with people in your community?

11. Do you have a sense of purpose in your life?

12. Do you spend time with both the young and the old?

13. Do you move your body daily?

14. Do you spend time in spiritual or restorative practice?

If you answered YES to 7 or more questions you are making choices to live a life of vitality. If you answered YES to fewer than 7 questions you have greater opportunities to thrive!

Food is not simply energy, it is information.

Populations who live a life of vitality make food choices that provide different information to their body than the Standard American Diet today.

Food that is fresh, local and in season is richer and more diverse in nutrients.

Food that is cooked from scratch and preserved using natural methods such as fermentation has higher nutrient value and helps to nourish your gut more than foods that are highly processed to allow for shelf stability.

Fats that are consumed from plants nourish your body to protect your heart and against disease.

Salts that come from the sea are rich in a variety of minerals.

Herbs and spices can add so much more to your diet than just flavor. They may have antimicrobial, antiviral or antibiotic properties.

A lifestyle of vitality

In addition to food, there are components of a life of vitality we can learn from long living populations that you can incorporate into your days as well. Research repeatedly shows that having social connection improves health and increases longevity. You may spend your days getting done what needs to get done without thinking about your real purpose. A sense of purpose may protect your heart and add years to your life.

Remember the days when everyone got a day off? When there was for so many an actual day of rest? Stores were closed, time was spent with family. Today our 24/7/365 lifestyle is taking a toll.

Some research has looked at daily movement versus sitting and then exercising. It seems as though building more daily movement into your life may have greater benefit than going to the gym after a day of being sedentary. We know from populations who thrive exercise is not the norm, but rather movement happens every day throughout the day.

What choices can you make?

My hope for each of you is not that you just get through your days or years. But you do it doing what you love, being with people who are important to you, nourishing your body so that you feel well, have energy and a clear head. We can learn from people around the world who not only live long but live well. You may not have the choice to move to a remote island where life moves more slowly and fresh food is available all year round. But you can make choices each day to shift where you can to choose foods that nourish rather than those highly processed, to choose movement instead of a chair, to choose friends and family rather than solitude.

Each choice you make will create your own vitality. Take a step. Your good health is worth it.

About the Author: Lynda Enright, MS, RD, CLT is certified as a Wellness Coach and LEAP Therapist who partners with individuals who want to look and feel amazing. Lynda helps individuals improve their health by addressing each individual as the whole person finding the causes of weight gain, fatigue, bloating, acid reflux, congestion, brain fog or achy joints. This article was originally published at

and has been syndicated with permission. For more tips on eating well and balancing a healthy lifestyle, visit


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