Category: Dance


Keep Your Relationship Rockin

Keep Your Relationship Rockin

Submitted by: Nicole Calhoun

My husband and I are high school sweethearts. We have been together for fifteen years, now. He and I got married when we were only twenty and twenty-one years old. I am now thirty-one and he s thirty-two. We re working on eleven blissful years of marriage.

It has been an amazing experience to love the same person for nearly half of my life! We started dating when I was fifteen, and he was sixteen. When I tell that story, other women think that I m lucky. They re intrigued that when I speak about my husband that I do so with a twinkle in my eye.

And everyone always wonders how we ve managed to stay so deeply and wonderfully in love with one another. The answer is simple: we still do the things we did when we first started dating one another!

My husband still calls me on the phone while I am at work just to see how my day is going. Even though he works from home, he still gets up each morning and drives me thirty miles, just so I can ride in the H.O.V. (high occupancy vehicle) lane and not have to deal with traffic. That means he has to take the same route coming to get me in the evenings.


When he drops me off in the mornings, when I get to my desk, my message waiting light is usually flashing alerting me that someone has left a message. As you can imagine, at least one of them is from my husband saying that he loves me and hopes I have a great day! He calls the night before when I m not in the same room with him, or as I m coming up the elevator to get to my office.

So, it should come as no surprise to people why I love my husband so much. It s because he also loves me!

Marriage is full of compromises and making things fun. It takes an effort from both parties to make it successful.

Here are a few things that will keep your marriage relationship as hot as it was in the beginning.

Make time for one another. Have at least one day a week set aside for you and your spouse, and don t let anything take that time away from the two of you.

Communicate with your wife or husband. Talking has opened up so many new doors of opportunity in our relationship. A Good morning. goes a long way. Good communication is key to making any relationship last, so talk and then talk some more!

Compromise is also another key to a successful marriage. There is a lot of give and take. Just make sure the giving and taking is equally distributed, and you are sure to have a happy bond with your mate.

Lastly, have fun! Run around the house and act wild and crazy, especially if you have children. Laughing really is good medicine! Stop taking yourselves and your spouses so seriously! Your marriage will keep the fire it had in those earlier years, if you do!

About the Author: Nicole enjoys spending time with her son, Jordan and her husband, Muri. She loves to travel, work her home-based business, shop and meet new people. If you would like to spend more time with your loved ones, please contact Nicole.


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Brisbane Website Designer

Brisbane Website Designer

Submitted by: William S.

Are you looking for best website designing services in Brisbane? In order to build complete online presence for your website on large scale Brisbane website designer services play foremost role in this process.

First of all website is a very commanding marketing tool for business growth through online sources. But other very significant characteristic of business development is the development of website with needs to be kept updated depending upon the existing trends as the web world never sleeps and functions globally 24X7 on such a wide basis that can accommodate to numerous new things on the block. The initial step itself is very vital and that is the designing of a website since the website stands central to any business assembly whether it is small or large. Irrespective of the business type, an internet presence is very important so that your business can draw a virtual impression on the web world.

Brisbane website designer services provide device full web design services for web design solutions to all companies or other individuals. You can find graceful thoughts and SEO friendly website design layout here. Everybody knows the first impression must reflect all strengths and exclusivity of your business. Brisbane website designers


Create flawless design for all kinds of business firms and organizations like small, medium, large, and individuals. Brisbane website designer services provide device full web design services for web design solutions to all companies or other individuals. You can find graceful thoughts and SEO friendly website design layout here. Everybody knows the first impression must reflect all strengths and exclusivity of your business. Brisbane website designers

Create flawless design for all kinds of business firms and organizations like small, medium, large, and individuals.

Here you can search out different techniques like Flash, Logo & Banner Designing, and static dynamic website designing, custom designs solutions. Brisbane website designer services are more beneficial for all companies in order to define their strategies and business solution to avail maximum profit.

If the website is designed in an interactive and good-looking way then it can sketch a lot of concentration along with the increase in web traffic. This will simultaneously improve the search engine rankings of the website and also bring in more potential customers for the business. If a website is well formulated along with useful details then it can also be very helpful for those who visit it looking for information on the service or products. All these pointers are kept in high concern when an expert steps in to design the website that will work your way to better business and recognition.

If you are on a look out for web designer Brisbane then the best option will be to hit the net and find the best option that can provide you with accurate, tailor made solutions that can facelift your business on the internet. Fast Access Website offers all domain registration facilities, Internet domain name registration,hosting with unlimited bandwidth,Website designing services ,SEO services,Social media services in Australia, Brisbane and all around the world.

About the Author: To get more details please visit:


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