Curtains Vs. Window Blinds

Curtains vs. Window Blinds


Allan Michael Taylor

Have you ever hoped there is something else that can guard your house besides from curtains? Well, the solution: window shades. Window shades are the next best thing to the old curtains that you grew up with. Actually, they are somewhat better. Shades, blinds, canopies, whatever you want to call them, all offer a sense of security to a home or a room like the old curtains. However, compared with curtains, they are easier to install and they are very easy to clean. If you used to bring your curtains to the dry cleaner or hope for a very sunny day to be able to dry them up, you do not have to do that with blinds. The truth is that blinds are actually not that prone to dusts and dirt. You can easily clean it too by damp cloth. If you wish, you can also uninstall it and wash it with soap and water. There is really no hassle in putting up and down your blinds because they are very easy to do.

If you do not have any blinds at home just yet, it is highly recommended for you to read this article first before jumping into buying roller shades. Buying shades are not like buying grocery. You need to know a few key points first or you might be picking up the wrong thing after all. What are these key points?

1. Know how much you are willing to pay.


Blinds are not really that expensive but there are some blinds that are like the remote-control blinds. If you have a budget in your mind, stick to that budget. There are many other blinds that can probably work around it. For instance, if you are really on a tight budget, you can easily buy a few blinds first for more major rooms like your bedroom. Then you can add up the others once you have saved up. You can also buy discounted blinds at your local store when they are on sale. Another option would be buying faux or fake wood and materials that are not that expensive such as Ramin Wood Blinds.

2. Know the style you want.

When you look around your house, try to picture what type of blind you want. You can actually research through the Internet what are the types of blinds. The local store near you might also have a website wherein they post photos of the designs that are available or are for sale. This can make you be prepared so that when you go to the stores, you won’t be stressed. The best tip about choosing designs would be to choose the one that will compliment or go well with your room or house theme.

The last thing you need to know before buying window shades should be the measurement of your window or else you might buy something too big, too small, too narrow or too wide. When buying, make sure that you buy something an inch bigger or longer than your window’s exact measurement.

Jessica Jarit is a planner type, a student of colors who writes about a highly sought after home & office planner, she lectures about

roller shades

, with all of her

window shades

audiences. See her online shop for info.

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