Some Wonderful Puppy Training Tips

Some wonderful puppy training tips


Willey Martin Some wonderful puppy training tips

Puppies are one of the most beautiful creatures created by God. They are our best friend and some research has proved that puppies/dogs relieve our tension. They are useful in guarding our house and help us in various ways. If you want your dog to be same, then it is very essential that he be given proper training from puppy stage.

Here are ways by which puppies can be trained.Basic puppy training tips


Giving it treats :

When you teach certain command to your puppy then it is better that you reward it every time it obeys your command. This is very important, as it will teach your puppy that its certain behaviors are accepted. You must first give it treat and then love it. Gradually love it more and reduce the treats as over feeding is not good. Sometimes you may give it some treats although.



Command the puppy to sit while giving it food :

This is a very important puppy-training tip and it will make it realize that you are the master and that he has to obey you. Master word is not used in a negative sense here as dogs are pack animals and they love to have a leader who will guide them and lead them. Dogs must be made to understand that their master is the only one whom they must response to and this training is very important.


Reward only to positive behavior :

You must remember that only positive behavior must be rewarded. For instance if your doggy is unnecessary jumping on you then do not shout on it but rather move at once from it. However, make sure that you are always not rude on it and it will demand some love and attention from you. This is a very important puppy training tips and must be used by you very carefully. Make sure that you do not hurt the sweet animal.


Remove its food bowel 20 minutes after serving it :

You must remember to remove its food bowel 20 minutes after you have served it. Even if he does not finish the food, then too remove it, as this will teach him there is a specific time for food and that he will not get it anytime he feels. Maintain a proper time for the food and give it food only at that time of the day. If you want it to be disciplined then you too must maintain the proper time gap.


Do not raise your voice :

While training your puppy make sure that you do not raise your voice at any time. Raising voice will just leave the dog in confusion and will make him fear. It is very essential that you must learn to respect the dog and treat him with love and care.

These are some puppy training tips that must be followed by every pet owner.

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